06/02/2003 - 15:04 [ ]Project Rufortina - Introduction

Word from editor-in-chief (ALT-F13):

We are ModLabs.net, the oldest and most popular modding site in ex-USSR. This is the first article we have translated to English, actually it's the first translated modding article from russia. Full english version of our site is still developing, and i hope we'll launch it in mid-February. So, check our site in a week. But we don't want to wait for this time and so here is an article about our latest project called "Rufortina". It is a Chieftec fulltower coated with fur + loads of other mods including DIY watercooling.

As all of you know in Russia we have severe winters, so we had to coat a case with painted bear's fur (aye, that's a lotta bears here!). And we fueled watercooling with vodka.

I hope you understand that it was a joke;) Actually we are even not from Russia itself, but from Ukraine (remember Chernobyl;)). Btw if we remembered Chernobyl - guys who are developing a highly anticipated "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Oblivion Lost" (GSC Game World) live in our city, Kiev.

Some words about russian modding community. Here in Russia modding still isn't a sort of industry. Approximately for this time there are about 80-100 active modders in all countries of ex-USSR. All cases you could see in our case gallery (as i said before it's still only in russian language, but pictures are international;)) were made completely DIY. In our country there is only one online store for modders - our 'Shop@ModLabs'. There are no pre-modded cases available, no companies like frozencpu.com with tons of stuff, no modding kits... Even CCFLs and dremels are sold here for just a few months. That's why to be a modder in Russia is really a hard job, 100% pure hardcore:). We're trying to change this situation, but it's goes better quite slowly. Btw there are a lot of interesting russian articles with original mods awaiting for translation. So we'll have enough work to do!;)

Ok, now to the project!

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